Terms and Conditions

This webpage is owned and operated by Alves cleaning services, the terms “we”, “our”, “us”,”company” or “team” refer to Alves cleaning services. Please read our terms of services and policies carefully before buying our services. By visiting our page and/or buying any of our services you agree with any of our terms and conditions as well our policies listed below Quotes and Pricing -If you received or filled our forms for a quote, the price given will be compatible with the information provided and services selected, if the place condition change, the condition informed is inaccurate, more services are requested we reserve the right to change the estimate accordingly or apply the hourly fee of $50/hr per person, like your place needs a deep cleaning and you hired a regular cleaning, we will do our best but with time limited to a regular cleaning and extra fee may apply. General orientation -If you have any orientation or request please text us and we will inform the team -Run the dishwasher to finish dry the dishes before we arrive, so we can storage the dishes -washer and dryer need to finish before the team arrive, we ask the leave the clean bed sheets and duvets covers (the setup match) over the beds that need to be done. -If possible, leave trash bags on sight to be replaced at the house (big ones, small ones and compostable) -Pick up mostly of toys (Lego parts too, they damage the vacuum and can result in extra charges) and pet toys too. -Pick up some of the clutter out of the way, so we can clean more and better. -We take out all the trash and recycling, but please do not accumulate weeks of trash and boxes to brake all at once, it take more time and physical effort and may result in extra charges. -Home office is fine, we can clean the office/ desk first or at the end of cleaning, just use headsets, the vacuum makes noise and leave the space when is requested to clean, we don’t clean around people. -We require entrance to the property; electricity, running water and a place to discard trash/recycling. If for lack of any of these we are not able to perform the cleaning a short notice cancellation will be applied. -Manage your expectations, regular cleanings (being or not first time) are maintenance cleanings to keep the current cleaning conditions, and even deep cleanings (like move in, move out, deep cleanings or post construction) have a limit on what we can improve by only cleaning, many houses need remodeling, decluttering, personal organization, painting and/or odor treatment. Houses that are several years without cleaning or are in a very bad shape maybe need more than one deep cleaning section to get in its best possible shape. The cleanings are hourly limited Payment Conditions -Any charges for the cleaning services are due immediately upon completion of your cleaning and are non-refundable, we may change the fee accordingly with the service requested versus the real conditions of the place cleaned. We accept different payment options like Venmo, cash and Credit card, if the booking is accepted a hold of the full amount will be placed on the cleaning day bus as far 48 hours before the cleaning day to ensure sufficient funds and accuracy of billing information. After the cleaning a charge will occur and receipt will be sent to your email address. Booking -We have limited spots available, offered in multi platforms at the same time, is first come first serve to the client that confirm all information required first. We will send an email or text confirming the booking for the selected spot. Extra services /add-ons -Add-ons/extra services are not included with any of the cleanings and should be hired separately. -Some part of fridges and ovens are not able to be removed or disassemble not being able to reach small crevices to clean. -Oven deep cleaning usually is able to clean about 75-90% of its surfaces, we will do our best but if was years of building up may not look like brand new. -We only clean windows inside, no exterior windows. Recurring services discounts -Recurrent discounts are applicable after the first initial cleaning, if you skip a cleaning or takes longer to reschedule than you were set up, the discount will be removed and the price will return for the just once/ first time price. Parking -Whenever possible we ask for parking or use garage, we charge reimbursement for metered parking/parking garages. some areas like downtown are almost impossible to find parking sometimes and if the cleaners have to leave due not finding parking will be considered “canceled” and cancellation fee will be applied. Refunds, break and loss -All Sales are final, lifted from claims after the final walk-through and no refund apply. If there is a breaking or loss during the cleaning, a notification must be made within 24 hours so we can make the arrangements, any refunds are not exceed the cost of the service provided. Cleaning technicians training and services execution -Our cleaners are selected and trained for months with the business owners till be able to clean accordingly with our procedures and scopes of services and using our cleaning supplies and to work without any interference, they have basic English communication so we ask if have any instructions to text us and we will inform them. Solicitation of services -By using our services you hereby agree to not solicit services or hire independently of any of our teams or staff providers for yourself or any other person for the period of 6 moths after your last cleaning; You agree to pay for each violation of this term of condition the sum of $1,000.00 and the court and attorney fees involved in this resolution of matter. Limitations of Liability -We are not liable for damage that is caused by “normal wear and tear”, improper installation of an item(s), clients should be aware that are some risks each time some items are cleaned or moved and some items when exposed to sun or age may brittle and weaken resulting in braking is normal wear and tear; or any items valued over $200 like artwork, electronics family heirlooms, These items are expensive and/or impossible to replace. In that case, we do not assume the risk of cleaning such items. It is the customer’s responsibility to inform, in writing, of any item(s) that fall into this category. We also are not liable for: -Doors locked of any kind -Carpet and rugs snags (result of normal wear and tear, our vacuums are factory standards and not able to be adjusted) -Broken blinds -Improper items installation such frames, light fixtures, artworks, mirrors (they should no fall by dusting/wiping down) -Damage to natural stones like marble/granite or natural wood (those items should be informed, in writing, when booking or before the cleaning) Cleaning Supplies and equipment -Our cleaners will bring all cleaning supplies like sponges, soap, all purpose cleaning solutions, and microfiber cloth and equipment like vacuum cleaner, shoe covers, gloves, mop and bucket. They are trained for use theses supplies but we can use yours if requested (but we are not responsible for any damage if used yours, our cleaners are not trained to use them). Pets -We are pet friendly and take of of them like our own kids. But we ask if possible take the dogs/cats out or restricted in a room during the cleaning to avoid liking cleaning supplies or running out at doors and windows. You are the one in best position to ensure their well being, we are not responsible for their health and/or safety. Short notice cancellations -If you need to cancel or reschedule your cleaning, please we kindly ask to let us know ASAP, we mostly will no find a client to fill a spot canceled and/or have to wait hours to the next client messing our whole day and we also try our best to make our cleaners always busy and provide to their families. A cancellation fee under 30 hours before the cleaning of 50% of the price, minimum of $80 will be applied due loss of wages, travel time, parking, etc. Arrival window -We work with 2 hours arrival window due traffic, have to spends more or less time on the previous client, finding parking; we cannot guarantee the exactly arrival time, but we can do our best to arrive on the beginning of the arrival window and to send a more accurate ETA when the team head towards your place. Service satisfaction walk-through -We require the client present at the beginning and end of cleanings for a walk-through to evaluate the satisfaction services, if it do not happens for any reasons, or the client is not available we will not issue any refund or a return to clean free of charge. Our cleaners do not -We don’t wipe down blinds (light dusty only) due the risk of breakage. -We don’t spot clean upholstery, rugs or carpet -We don’t offer carpet shampooing services. -We don’t move heavy furniture items -We do not do laundry or fold. -We do not clean houses with any infestation like bedbugs, fleas or clean animal waste. -We do not offer services on high reach areas (more than 2 step ladder) -We don’t clean areas with mold -We don’t clean exterior windows. -We don’t wash/scrub walls of marks or scratches Contact Us Company welcomes your questions or comments regarding the Terms: Email Address: alvescleaningca@gmail.com Telephone number: 415-919-6570